Monday, April 13

It happened to be the..
take-photo day
for our graduation magazine..Favourite pic of the day

I brought the 5th camera to school!
[we were only allowed to bring 3 per class]
but s5e brought more than 6..

Went to the basketball court
and not knowing what we should do,
we started with....
[our first pic]
and.. THIS!
[our second pic]
Y flapping air
Little meeting over here..
[yer, i'm so geli]

Nice frame
[by mummy]

i couldn't get down.. my god

Kindergarten playground..
I guess most form5(s)
will come and take pictures hereBaby playing the slide
[accompanied by mummy the adult]

i took this! wee~
Enclosure outside k3k
meen sticking out her tongue
so "cute" ?!!
Kicking Y
[last pic around the school compund]

During lessons

i managed to get this!
big claps for me**

Y with the cute baby
Mrs Kim's favourite
Ms Eng Fang Fang with all of us

Our Pride

Lillian's biscuit tin
The contents


Captain Kim/Tang/Pan.. etc.
tak piak (1)
tak piak (2)
tak piak (3)
Orang Jujur
Meen and Mummy

** more pics will be uploaded soon..
when i get them from yiling..

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