Tuesday, March 8

I'm happy!
... because I finally tasted laksa this afternoon.
Laksa's always been so tempting, and not to forget, the springrolls!
They're a perfect match with laksa, and I got myself 6 today.

After lunch, I brought baby onion to the Hyundai service centre.
The brakes and accerelator are producing odd, irritating noises.
Had to wait for like 1 hour for the repair.

Caught a movie at Gurney later on.

There's this disgusting part in that movie, the moment before Liz died.
I just couldn't watch it, it's so bloody I wanna throw up. Eww!
I guess I'd never wanna go to the cave at Ela Asa.
It gives me goosebumps to even think about it.

Having nothing to do after the movie,
we went to popular and I got myself a4-sized white envelopes.
And then, met up whooimeen who's currently working in Elle.
Got Hot n' Roll for ourselves and yadaa yadaa, bid goodbye to the mall.

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