Tuesday, May 10

Doreen's phone call woke me up this morning.
I panicked when I saw the time on my phone.
 English exam is supposed to be on 9.30a.m.
Now it's 11am and exam ends at 11.30a.m.
But why the hell am I still on my bed?! I was exhausted. 
Rushing assignments overnight is a bad idea afterall. 
Find it so hard to wake up, even with an alarm on.

I begged Ms Teh so badly through the phone.
Told her I'm on my way and to give me extra time.
Eventually, she gave in. 
45 minutes to finish a 2 hour english paper.
And I completed everything, including the essay on time.
 I'm grateful enough already knowing that I could actually do better.
But I'd never wanna repeat this whole process again, so tyvm!

After the exam, I had koay teow teng with Jason.
Then went back to Leith St. for charcoal drawing touch ups.
Had my piece of puzzle on the Dato's face wrapped up with Doreen's help.

Jason accompanied me to Happy Mart for tit bits.
I had only rm3 in my purse, and I spent them all on chips.

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