Sunday, May 12


Another nightmare last night.
Doreen Yeap appeared in my dream, close up.
It hasn't occurred for a while until last night after viewing Stanic's Facebook Profile.
In the dream I was sitting beside mommy, in a cafe. For some reasons, I was holding to Doreen's jacket.
And there she stood, in a turquoise dinner gown, standing beside the door staring to no where.
Suddenly, she approached me and asked if I know who she is.
I acted as if I didn't, and as usual, pretended to be blur.

She did not gave up, sat beside me, and gave me that "I know that you know who am I" look.
I panicked, forgot the rest of the dream and woke up. Back in reality.

I wonder why she came back haunting me, even after so long.
She's married, or maybe, a bride to be. I don't know and do not want to know.

I'm just grateful that he left, now that I don't feel any pain at all.

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